Looking Life Over

Simple changes are having an enormous impact on my life. Having Internet at the house, staying home more, cooking for myself and so many other little changes have caused an obvious difference in my Lifestyle.

Some insights have appeared along my path to change. I found that in fact I was bored to the point of distraction. I distracted myself with blogging for six months. I thought that if I was doing something I loved, it would bear good fruit.

The fruit it bore was totally unexpected. I have learned that I have become absolutely bored. My boredom was causing me to go out of balance.

It was the imbalance that was creating the discomfort in my life, and it was escalating. I was literally numbing myself out for hours a day in front of the computer screen.

Wishing to have a quality blog, and possibly one that could create income, I spent a lot of money buying various services and information. It was the same old story from years ago. You can spend many dollars on the Internet chasing a little bit of income.

I spend less time writing now, and am enjoying the time I spend on the Internet more. I have found an online simulation game that is fun and keeps me alert when I am online.

Sticking to the websites where I play, also keeps me away from reading the news in detail. That alone is a quality of life improvement.

Life is about change, but I have learned to do change in small doses.

I no longer need chaos in my life to get me moving in a new direction. All that is necessary is to feel that twinge of discomfort that comes with being out of balance and I am ready to look for alternatives.

I once read that it got so boring in Heaven that eighty percent of the Angels left Heaven to create the Life we now experience in this reality. Strange how Perfect can become boring when there is nothing new to experience.

Smiles. ET

Published in: on August 22, 2008 at 11:11 pm  Comments (3)  
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